Monday, January 24, 2011

Sup world?

 Bradley Cooper, what a stud right?! I could literally probably just stare at him for hours, or talk about him for hours for that matter. But I won't, I mean if you really want me to, just post a comment and I'll give you some amazing insights; but until someone asks I'm going to talk about something entirely different. Well, kind of. Welcome to my blog peeps! This is definitely going to be the most intellectual and insightful look that you have ever read into the world of entertainment. For instance, did you know that Bradley Cooper is much more than a pretty boy? He graduated from Georgetown University, is fluent in French and is an excellent cook. Ok, so maybe it's not the most intellectual, but it is going to be pretty darn insightful. 

This blog, this creation of mine, is going to be about everything Entertainment, you name it, I'll be writing about it (but almost literally, if you name something that you want me to write about, I will write about it). Theatre, movies, television, award shows, you name it; if it is entertaining, I'm  open to talking about it. You may be thinking that I have no writing direction and that I am a babbling looney-toon, but I tell you that I am not! I have legitimate insightful things to say. For example, did you know that the majority of films these days are remakes or reworkings of original pieces that have been crafted from books or plays. (You actually may have known that) But I bet that you didn't know that Toto in the Wizard of Oz was paid a higher weekly wage than Judy Garland now did yah?!? Just a little fun fact. 

 OK, but in all seriousness, I'm not just going to be spitting out facts.  I really want to show to you all that the world of entertainment is more than just a superficial world that has no meaning in academic life. I am going to open your eyes to the genius things going on in the entertainment industry and try to change the popular opinion of what entertainment really is. Entertainment is not just a form of release for stress and a forum for an opportunity for fun, it is a venue for communication and education in our society. We learn so many things about ourselves, our community and each other but what we choose to watch and what is presented to us on TV, (see I'm totally smart.)

Because film and other media are so prevalent in our society, (I mean hey, you are reading a blog right now, the world is a changin’) I think it is really important for our views and opinions of the media to change. It is no longer just a mindless escape from our real lives, nor has it ever really been. Media is the one constant thing in our world that connects us all. It provides means for information of all sorts to be shared across continents, between doctors, lawyers, politicians and academics. Yet somehow, the world of entertainment is still looked down upon as something that isn’t serious (take Jersey Shore and Real Housewives of New Jersey for example- where did these people come from?!?). Our world today, our intellectual, academic, genius of a world, wouldn’t be possible without entertainment, including film.
By discussing and breaking down the aesthetic and other elements of films in our present culture, I will show you all that the film industry is a very complex and complicated industry that takes countless hours of diligent work to create the masterpieces that we see on screen. We as a culture, even as a world are so in touch with technology, media and entertainment. Because of this, we need to start thinking about it in a more intellectual way. The films and theatre shows that we see on a weekly, monthly, or whenever basis teach us so much about who we are as a culture and what our world is becoming.

So sit back, relax and grab a hot dog if you must. I promise this blog is going to be entertaining and one of the best pieces of literature that you have ever read (OK maybe not, but it’ll still be good).

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