Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Country Strong and Gwyneth Obsessions

So I suppose recently I have been on a bit of a romantic comedy binge, don't ask me why, I honestly really don't like romantic comedies- to be honest they are my least favorite genre ( I much prefer history and suspense). But living in a house with 63 other girls, yes that's right I said SIXTY THREE girls (a lot I know), you can't really avoid the romantic comedies, or Gossip Girl for that matter.

The romantic comedies just keep rolling it. It went from Love and Other Drugs and a camp-out in the living room, to a camp-out in the TV room watching Country Strong. Don't tell anyone (because I'll deny it), but I was actually really excited to watch this movie. I happen to love Gwyneth Paltrow and I love it even more when she sings; have you seen her guest star on Glee? She's brilliant. What about in the movie Duets? Also brilliant, and a really great singer. Definitely check out some of these out if you haven't already.

Back to Country Strong. This movie features Gwyneth (obvi), Tim McGraw (who has recently been acting up a storm, but he didn't sing in this movie which I thought was kind of weird), Leighton Meester (who played a great country bumpkin), and Garrett Hedlund (a voice that literally made me want to melt and have his children).

The plot of the movie was about a Country starlet who struggles with alcoholism and is taken out of rehab to soon to go on tour, where once again she struggles with alcoholism and an affair with a younger country singer (cue Hedlund and melting voice). Meester plays an upcoming country barbie who struggles with stagefright and falls in love with Hedlund after they overcome their mutual hate for each other. Hedlund is the broody country star who is all about the music and doesn't want the fame and attention that he gets going on tour with Paltrow.

The one stand-out thing about this movie was the music. I really enjoyed the soundtrack, I actually do like country (please don't tell anyone). There were times when it got a little cliche and slipped into traps that movies often do nowadays, but it was worth it to listen to the voice of Hedlund (I tell you I'm still melting). In partiar, the duet below between Hedlund and Meester was actually amazing. You can thank me later.

So if you're a girl, and you like to listen to hott guys with deep voices sing amazing songs, check it out. Until next time, I'm not telling you to do anything else because I want you to listen to that above song (it's that good).

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