Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Here Comes the Father of the Bride

OK, So I know I told you that I have been in a serious Romantic Comedy stage due to the house that I live in with 63 other girls; and this post is no exception. I'm moving out soon, so I guess I will have to wait until then to return to my favorites of suspense and history; until then Father of the Bride it is.

Not that I'm really complaining. After this movie, I kind of went into a wedding frenzy, looking up wedding websites and bridesmaids dresses and color schemes. My friend introduced me to this website: Green Wedding Shoes. Check it out. It's not that I want to get married, I just want to go to a wedding; it's the whole wearing a pretty dress and getting all dressed up thing that girls like (if you're a girl you will understand, and if you're a guy, you'll witness it someday).

Anyways, Father of the Bride is a great story about one man's love for his daughter and how he isn't ready for her to move onto another man just quite yet and get married. He is absolutely obsessed with her, she's his little girl; he's also obsessed with being cheap and not spending a lot of money on the wedding.

Of course Steve Martin is hilarious and takes part in a lot of obvious humour during the film, including falling into the in-laws pool after snooping upstairs in the Father of the Groom's office. There is also a hilarious character, Franck, played by Martin Short. Franck is the stereotypical foreign wedding planner who no one can understand and does everything the most extravagant way possible, including having swans in the front yard. The moments between Franck and George Banks (Steve Martin) are absolutely hilarious; the contrast between the two characters really adds humor to the movie.

One thing that is super precious about this movie is the relationship between George and his daughter Annie. She is a complete daddy's girl and in the end he will do anything to make her happy; it's the relationship that every girl dreams of having with her father (it is actually the relationship that I have with my father, which may be why I love this movie so much).

In the end, George realizes that he needs to let go of his daughter and let her have her own life. Definitely precious.

One of the funny things about watching this movie in today's time, twenty years later, is the clothes. They are so 90's and even have a little touch of the 80's in there. The hair is big, the wedding dress is poofy, the more ornate the better. It's funny to look back and see the cell phones that they used and the cars that they drive.

One thing that is even better about this movie is the house. It is the iconic family home that wives have dreamed of raising their families in for decades. Having seen this house in person only a few months ago (it's only about 20 minutes from where I live, super cool I know), it looks exactly the same. Like a moment stuck in time, a house that has been housing perfect functional families, many Sunday night dinners and birthday parties for decades.

A girl can dream right? Until next time, go play some basketball with your dad, Father of the Bride style. Hey, you might even win (If you do it's because he is letting you).

Osama and Explicit Photos

I know that this topic doesn't really have anything to do with movies, but I just have to get it off of my chest. Unless you have been living under a rock the past few days, or are extremely unpatriotic, or just dumb (which I'm sure none of you are because I can tell you are all pretty smart if you are reading this blog), then you know that Osama Bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, was killed by American troops in Pakistan on Wednesday. I am posting about this because it relates to entertainment. On Sunday night, at least where I live, eyes were glued to the TV for hours watching CNN and other news outlets. The world anticipated the President's speech as cheering crowds gathered outside of the white house. Where I live, people were running around the streets chanting "USA, USA" and were driving down the streets honking and singing "God Bless America." While this act was extrememly patriotic, and I may or may not have gone out and celebrated with my friends Sunday night at the local bar, donning red, white and blue, and singing country music all night, I'm not sure if this was the correct way to respond.

Don't get me wrong, I know that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans and was in charge of the greatest attack on American soil in our history, but is celebrating the death of a man OK? I know he was a horrible man that did many horrible things and killed many people and planned many attacks on innocent civilians, but is shouting in the streets and dancing around to country songs and drinking "Osama Gin Ladens" right? I'm not really sure.

I know this was a great victory for our country and an even greater victory for President Obama. Many families can finally get closure on the deaths of their loved ones from September 11th, but doesnt an eye for an eye leave the whole world blind. The death, or the murder for that matter, doesn't mean that Al Qaeda is going to stop attacking innocent people, or retaliate against the United States for killing Osama.

Furthermore, I was shocked when I woke up yesterday morning and saw bloody pictures splashed across the Wall Street Journal's front cover. After reading further and investigating, I learned that the bloody scene was the bedroom where Osama was murdered. There were blood spattered pillows and comforters, right there on the front page of the newspaper for everyone to see. It got me thinking: is all of the overexposure we have to violence making us crave pictures of an actual murder scene? Must we really have pictorial evidence of the murder of our country's greatest enemy to make it real? Why can't we just take our government's word for what happened and accept that the single-most terrifying man in the United States is finally dead.

After the image of this bedroom scene, which I refuse to post because I think it is absolutely disgusting and unneccessary, more pictures were released of his corpse and his burial at sea. The American people can no longer trust the government and the information that is given to them by the government; they need to have unsubstantiated evidence for themselves to believe that Osama is finally dead.

These pictures beg the question: if this were 40 years ago, would these bloody pictures have been released? I'm not sure, but I'm leaning towards no. We have become overexposed to violence and depictions of death that it no longer phases us anymore. Our entertainment has to offer us the next biggest, bloodiest, boldest thing in order to keep our attention nowadays.

My question is: if it is this bad now, what is going to happen in 20 years when the images get worse and worse and more graphic by the year? Just think about that for a little bit.

Until next time, go hug your family; they might not be around forever.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Country Strong and Gwyneth Obsessions

So I suppose recently I have been on a bit of a romantic comedy binge, don't ask me why, I honestly really don't like romantic comedies- to be honest they are my least favorite genre ( I much prefer history and suspense). But living in a house with 63 other girls, yes that's right I said SIXTY THREE girls (a lot I know), you can't really avoid the romantic comedies, or Gossip Girl for that matter.

The romantic comedies just keep rolling it. It went from Love and Other Drugs and a camp-out in the living room, to a camp-out in the TV room watching Country Strong. Don't tell anyone (because I'll deny it), but I was actually really excited to watch this movie. I happen to love Gwyneth Paltrow and I love it even more when she sings; have you seen her guest star on Glee? She's brilliant. What about in the movie Duets? Also brilliant, and a really great singer. Definitely check out some of these out if you haven't already.

Back to Country Strong. This movie features Gwyneth (obvi), Tim McGraw (who has recently been acting up a storm, but he didn't sing in this movie which I thought was kind of weird), Leighton Meester (who played a great country bumpkin), and Garrett Hedlund (a voice that literally made me want to melt and have his children).

The plot of the movie was about a Country starlet who struggles with alcoholism and is taken out of rehab to soon to go on tour, where once again she struggles with alcoholism and an affair with a younger country singer (cue Hedlund and melting voice). Meester plays an upcoming country barbie who struggles with stagefright and falls in love with Hedlund after they overcome their mutual hate for each other. Hedlund is the broody country star who is all about the music and doesn't want the fame and attention that he gets going on tour with Paltrow.

The one stand-out thing about this movie was the music. I really enjoyed the soundtrack, I actually do like country (please don't tell anyone). There were times when it got a little cliche and slipped into traps that movies often do nowadays, but it was worth it to listen to the voice of Hedlund (I tell you I'm still melting). In partiar, the duet below between Hedlund and Meester was actually amazing. You can thank me later.

So if you're a girl, and you like to listen to hott guys with deep voices sing amazing songs, check it out. Until next time, I'm not telling you to do anything else because I want you to listen to that above song (it's that good).

Love and Other Drugs

What's up buffs (as in movie buffs, duh!) ?! So a few days ago, my friends and I converted our living room into a hipster movie theatre. We got a projector and played Love and Other Drugs on one of the walls in our living room; we brought in blankets and pillows and got comfy on the floor and sank into the world of Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway and her struggle with Parkinson's disease. While at first we thought that this idea was genius, we soon discovered that Love and Other Drugs was probably not the best movie to project onto a large screen where passersby can easily see what's going on in the movie. If you've seen it, then you should know what I'm talking about, but if you haven't, well you haven't and then you won't know what I'm talking about.

I'll explain.

Love and Other Drugs is a love story about a man who is a notorious player and womanizer who falls in love with a woman who has Parkinson's disease. This and that happens, and they have a lot of sex. And when I say a lot, I mean a LOT. About 80 percent of the movie, they are either having sex, about to have sex, or have just finished having sex. About another 75 percent of the movie, there is nudity. Not gonna lie, I'm not really complaining about seeing a little more of Jake Gyllenhaal, but there were a lot of times when the nudity was uneccessary and a little distracting from the plot (or maybe that was the point because the plot wasn't all to write home about).

Overall, the movie was pretty good. It was more interesting and less predictable than other rom-com's (Romantic Comedies if you live under a rock) that I've seen, but they still end up together in the end, what a big suprise. It was really cute how he stayed with her even after he learned how horrible Parkinson's affects are on the patient. It gave a little bit of hope that in this crappy world today, where love is originated and cultivated through social media sites and text messages, something organic can still happen. Alright, I know I just got a little sentimental, but a girl can dream about true love right?

The chemistry between Gyllenhaal and Hathaway was actually believable. They aren't two actors that I would have paired together originally, but what they had really worked with the story and the plotline. I kind of liked that they were mismatched, it made the story more realistic.

All of the friends that I was watching the movie with had some different opinions of the film. Some thought that the excessive sex and nudity was completely distracting and took away from the story way too much for it to have any affect on the audience. Other friends, the more sentimental "I live for love" ones, were sooo into it. They were actually gushing with love and endearment, but that really isn't saying much because they gush with love and endearment watching The Office.

Anyways, it was a good movie. Not one of the best, but definitely good- i don't regret watching it, so that should tell you something. Check it out if you wish, only I wouldn't recommend watching it with a projector on your living room wall where people are going to walk by and see Ann Hathaway obviously and very indiscretely indisposed.

Until next time, go hang out with your friends, they miss you.